A Natureza como modelo na construção de Casas Ecológicas, Habitats Sustentáveis, Tecnologias Vivas e Comunidades Sustentáveis.

Nature as the model for the construction of Ecological Houses, Sustainable Habitats, Living Technologys and Sustainable Communities.

quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2008

080206 - janelas recuperadas (clique para ver as imagens)

Vitor abre as janelas de seu mundo, transforma velharias carcomidas pelo tempo em obras de arte. Modula e modifica sua vida enquanto trabalha: tira as manchas do tempo, os podres da madeira, as ferrugens das dobras... lixa, pole, arruma, pinta, embeleza. O tempo revigora, a vida se transforma, o cinza cede lugar a novas cores. As velhas estruturas se renovam e o passado cede lugar ao presente, ante-sala do futuro.

080206 – Windows renewed (click to see more images)
Vitor opens up his windows to the world, transforming unwanted rundown second-hand goods into masterpieces. While working, he molds and modifies his own life: removing time scars, rotten pieces, rusty hinges… cleaning, polishing, fixing, painting, making decayed goods alive again. Time is renewed, life is transformed, and the pale grey color is replaced by bright new ones. The old structure is renewed while past becomes present. An entrance hall to the future.

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